Sponsor a Brick : 12×12



With your brick sponsorship, you can add a personalized laser engraved stone to the Lily Pad Cafe Courtyard. These stones will be permanent parts of the Lily Pad Cafe landscape, and the donations will go towards our Lily Pad Building Campaign fund.

Inscribing one of these stones is a unique opportunity to advertise your business, honor a loved one with a disability or even memorialize someone with a disability that made an impact on your life.

13 in stock

Personalize Your Brick Below:

You have 3 lines and 20 characters per line to use for your personalization.

Line 1 *

If you want to use a logo instead of text, please type “Logo only” below and Upload your logo below.

Line 2

Line 3

Want To Include a Logo Instead?

If you would rather have your company’s or team’s logo/mark laser engraved instead of having 3 lines of personalized text, use the upload field below. A logo engraving includes an additional $50 cost.

Upload Your Logo

*Important: If using a logo, PLEASE type “Logo Only” in the Line 1 box of the text personalization above.

(max file size 64 MB)

Want your donation to support a Family’s Fundraising Goal?

The top 5 families in overall fundraising will have their child’s name and possibly a photo included as a menu item namesake (ex. Hayden’s Grilled Cheese)

What family/child would you like your donation to support?

Please include first and last name to ensure that your donation goes to the correct team.

Want to include a tax-deductible additional Donation?

Donation Amount

All Donations will be added to the Fundraising total of the family listed above.
The Lily Pad Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit and all donations can be used as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes.

Purchasing as a gift?

If purchasing as a gift, fill out the info below and we will email you a PDF for you to print. We will putting these together manually, so please allow 3-5 days for your certificate to be emailed to you.

Would you like a certificate made and emailed to you so that you can print as a gift?

We are waiving the $10 fee for this service for the month of December!

Certificate Wording

The following is the standard text that will be used to generate your certificate in addition to mocking up your brick (We will replace “The Smith Family” with what you designate). If you would like to change the wording, please use the field below: “The Smith Family has purchased the brick shown above in support of your family. This brick will be a part of the patio at The Lily Pad Cafe in Ridgeland. The Lily Pad will be a non-profit cafe that will employ and train individuals with disabilities. 100% of the proceeds of the purchase of this brick go towards the Lily Pad Cafe Building Campaign and making the cafe a reality! Learn more at thelilypadms.com.”
